this past week has been pretty insane. i can't seem to keep up with everything that is being handed to me, especially, school work. i kept putting everything off till the last minute and after I submitted everything, I was left with that dreadful "what now?" feeling. before all of this, though.. we did take another mini trip, and this time it was to fredericksburg, tx. we like to pretend that all of these little places are thousands of miles away from where we live. we just don't have the time to feed our lust for wander right now. even though it's something i think about every. single. day.
it's all going to be worth it one day, though, right?
so on to fredericksburg: this town is adorable in so many ways. their main street (as i'm finding is pretty common in small towns [duh, laura]) is a strip of cute shops, restaurants and bars. when we first got there, we noticed that there were other people drinking their beers on the sidewalk. i mean, yes. we found a bar and ordered two beers to go. pretty weird to order them that way.
so. we walked. talked. and drank. and shot.
thinning hair + baby braids
comfortable, cool, calm, and collected. four things i'm not. who layers this much?
::heart eyes::
this was the most amazing treat ever. we hardly even ate half of it before lunch, but i mean. come on, wouldn't you?
haha, flailing arms. we were starving. i can't deny shrimp tacos + rice. they're probably what makes me weakest. plus, 300 pounds of cheese. plusplus, a peach margarita. you'd think that with fredericksburg being this peach kingdom and all, it'd be made out of real peaches. but, nah.
marked arms, oily hair, and a frozen drink. pretty good day, so far. i like pretending i'm running away and never going back to my damn responsibilities. i guess pretty drinks like this will do that to you. because then, you wake up and don't feel that way anymore. it's a tiny vacation.
balancing act//
lazy eye .)
favorite kind of pov photos. we're so different, but we go.
sweet ending. first time creme brulee. (i know.)
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after the sun began to set, we drove back home and i got two tiny tattoos. one on my finger and the other piece was on the top of my foot.
the tattoo on my finger is still peeling, but basically looks like nothing ever happened. that's obviously to be expected with finger tattoos, and i'd normally go for a touch up. but man, the artist was either having the worst day of his life, or seriously needs to learn how to treat people better. at least my new birds are healing well. that's what matters the most.
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